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The condominium administrator.
Law no. 220 of 11 December 2012, published in the Official Journal on 17-12-2012, has profoundly changed the legislation on the development and organization of condominium life, introducing the "professional" in the figure of the condominium administrator. The provision of the obligation to attend an initial training course for condominium administrators and, in particular, the obligation to periodically update, in addition to respecting further constraints of honor and educational qualifications, have in fact regulated a previous chaotic situation and poorly organized. No more home, friendly and shift administrations typical of an old condominium Italy.
Being an administrator today becomes a compelling, dynamic, complete experience that requires knowledge and attributions that only the commitment and preparation acquired by affiliation to a trade association present throughout the national territory since 1968, like UNAI can give.
  • ​Preventivi e spese

  • Bilancio

  • Assemblee

  • Gestione buste paga

  • Gestione fornitori

  • Gestione fiscale

  • Gestione lavori straordinari

  • Rappresentanza legale

  • Revisione condominiale

  • Studio tecnico


The condominium administrator manages the real estate properties under the condominium regime, in accordance with the provisions of articles 1117 and sgtt. cc, subject to the mandate given by the condominium. The activity, duties and responsibilities of the condominium administrator are foreseen and regulated more precisely by articles 1129, 1130, 1130bis, 1131 of the civil code and by articles 64, 71bis, 71ter, disp. att. cc. to which must be added those possibly attributed by the condominium regulation, by the assembly, by special laws and by the general rules of law.

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According to the Research Office of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, based on the processing of the data resulting from the attribution of the tax code to the condominiums (in particular with the "treatment" of the legal representatives as at 30 March 2006), it has ascertained that in Italy there are n. 293,829 directors of which n. 243,734 manage a single condominium, n. 25,253 have two / three condominiums and only 24,842 manage more than 10 operating professionally

(I Condominium in Twenty Lessons - On-Line SIAE 0102876 - © 2001-3 2013– Erreci Edizioni

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